Fix Assist Kit
“The OBD X BOX is the only OBD Code Reader and Deleter in the world that buys you time”
The Fix Assist module was developed mainly for temporary diagnostic use via connection to the vehicle’s OBD port and with the customer’s consent. There are however some occasions when the OBD X BOX can be discreetly installed and left on the vehicle to delete codes that are less important but very costly to repair.
This diagnostic aid is just simply amazing, in time you will wonder how you ever got by without one, considering its many features and benefits. Once you master how to use all its functions you will probably carry several Fix Assists in your diagnostic tool chest!
When customers bring their vehicles to you for a code read, be it a new or re-occurring fault, you record and delete the DTC’s, sometimes the vehicle returns later with the EML back on. The problem is, you’ve no way of knowing if the DTC’s have occurred only once or maybe several times, because to count how many times they’ve occurred they must first be deleted.
Worse still, you’ve recently carried out a major repair and the customer calls soon after to report the EML has come back on, but you may not be available to code read it for several days. When you eventually get to see the vehicle and to code read it, you’ve guessed it, there’s only one code present but this of course doesn’t tell you how frequent the fault is.
We’ve changed all that, now you can leave an OBD X BOX FIX ASSIST module connected to the OBD port and program into its auto delete list all known recurring codes you want to auto delete. Every time a code is deleted it’s added to a counter, the Technician can even choose to place a Max’ Limit of code deletes after which the module pauses, causing the EML to come back on. Each code has its own Max selection limit from 0 to 255 and up to 16 codes can be added to this delete list.
Should a new code come along that isn’t in the auto delete list, the OBD X BOX pauses deleting, allowing the EML to come back on, indicating a new code is present.
If the Technician chooses to add other related codes to the delete list to stop the device from pausing, he can do this using the included Code Database. Spurious codes not listed in the database can also be manually added to the auto delete list, the general rule is; if the OBD X BOX is able to read them then it can delete them.
Using this new automatic method of DTC deleting and code frequency logging helps you to better control your workshop load and the repair of difficult to diagnose vehicles. You may find it beneficial if the customer continues using the vehicle until the fault becomes more frequent and easier to diagnose, but without them having the concern of the EML staying on.
Customer Assistance
Some customers may even be willing to help you diagnose intermittent faults by monitoring when the EML briefly comes on [depending on settings) or the optional sounder bleeps. Was the engine hot or cold, under load or light throttle, at lower or higher RPM, accelerating or over run, you’ll be surprised how much they can Assist in the Fix.
One thing is for certain, customers get annoyed very easily if they think they are being “Dismissed” by the garage, especially when an intermittent EML fault is present. Using an OBD X BOX in these situations not only takes the pressure off and earns you more money but also assures your customer something is being done.
Sleep Mode
The OBD X BOX in most instances is connected using the vehicles OBD port and takes its power supply from pin 16, which is a permanent live. This means the module is always powered up, even when the ignition is off, or the keyless system is inactive.
If left powered up, there is a possibility that continuous Can Bus communication may prevent other system ECUs on the vehicle from going to sleep. This could result in the vehicle’s battery going flat, so we’ve added to the OBD X BOX an auto’ sleep mode function to prevent this from happening.
When the engine is switched off and the RPM signal lost, the OBD X BOX goes to sleep within about a minute and stops any comm’s with the vehicles Can Bus system. When the engine is re-started the OBD X BOX wakes up after a few seconds having now seen the RPM signal present and then resumes its normal operation of deleting any codes present.
Note Sleep mode only works when the OBD X BOX is not connected to either a laptop or mobile Android device.
If the Technician requires a DTC to be immediately deleted every time the engine is re-started, then the module must be connected to a switched ignition 12 volt supply. This way any DTC’s will be deleted with minimum delay so long as OBD Connection Delay in the settings has been set to zero secs.
When powered using a switched ignition live there is no need for sleep mode and all the modules’ settings are retained.
Some OBD ports (but not many) have an ignition supply present on pin 1 which could be used, you may even wish to re-locate the wire from pin 16 to pin 1. When permanently installing the OBD X BOX it is just as easy to find an ignition live somewhere near to the steering column or OBD port.
Click the images below to see the Customer Leaflets and Cards.