The OBD X BOX is probably the best OBD code Deleter in the world, it may even be the best OBD code reader in the world. It is also known as a selective OBD delete Scanner or OBD delete reader or a selected OBD delete Scanner or selected OBD delete reader.
It can override limp mode and it can reset limp mode for selected OBD codes and for selective OBD codes. It can help with an intermittent EML fault or an intermittent engine management fault. It is also very useful when performing an OBD health check, it could be used instead of an ECU code delete or software code delete or software code erase. It can also be used to delete the EML or to cancel the EML or to turn off the Engine Management Light or to turn off the EML if a vehicle is in limp mode and to drive a vehicle in limp mode. All this can be done instead of an ECU remap for limp mode or remap to delete, erase or cancel the engine management light EML for a DPF fault, turbo fault or EGR fault. With all the above faults the OBD X BOX can delete limp mode or override limp mode and help to regen DPF in limp mode or regenerate DPF in limp mode vehicles or cars with limp mode DPF problems or DPF faults. The OBD X BOX can even help when vehicles have EGR limp mode or turbo limp mode or EGR limp or turbo limp faults. Some might even call it an OBD Killer.